
Speech issues
In US the 7.7% of the children has challenges speaking, which means 5.7mil kids between ages 1 and 17.

The lack of speech therapists
Experts suggest that therapy should be done at least twice a week.

Expensive therapy
The average cost of a therapy is between 100 and 250$. On average parents are paying over 14,000$ a year
This is application that consists of

Has all the therapy teachings built into it so children can practice it at home. Intended for the children with speech issues only

It is a riddle based game with Speech to text feature integrated that verifies whether the child has pronounced something correctly
7 Facts
About Sophie the owl
Helps children develop speech and pre-literacy skills through play.
Supports parents and therapists.
Free and equally accessible to all users regardless of platform.
Combines fun games with educational content.
Motivates, entertains, and educates.
It’s free.
What Users Say
About Sophie The Owl
“Sara had trouble pronouncing ‘S’ because of her pacifier, and I can’t believe she mastered it with the help of this app. Thank you so much!”
Maria, Mother
Kudos to the creators. My 5-year-old son enjoys it immensely.
Great idea and even better execution.”
Luka Lakovic, parent
“As a speech therapist, I use Sofi Sova in my therapy sessions – a fantastic tool for working with children!”
Svetlana, speech
“As a parent, I believe it’s important to reduce screen time for kids, although it’s a significant challenge these days. That’s why this app is an excellent choice, allowing children to spend screen time in a quality and educational way. Highly recommended.”
Ana Kankaraš, parent
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Izazovi u govoru
Svako drugo dijete u Crnoj Gori ima neki jezičko - govorni izazov.

Nedostatak logopeda
Eksperti kažu da su neophodne 2 sesije nedjeljno, dok u Crnoj Gori djeca imaju sesiju jednom ili dva puta mjesečno.

Mobila aplikacija Sofi sova je jednako dostupna svoj djeci.
Aplikacija sadrži

Zanimljive logopedske igre će pomoći djeci da prevazidju izazove u govoru.

Kroz igru i pažljivu podršku, djeca stiču fonološke, predčitalačke vještine koje su temelj za čitanje i pisanje.
7 Sofi Sova činjenica
Pomaže djeci u razvoju govora i predčitalačkih vještina kroz igru.
Pruža podršku roditeljima i terapeutima.
Dodatni alat za logopedsku terapiju, olakšava vježbanje kod kuće.
Jednako dostupna svim korisnicima bez obzira na platformu.
Kombinuje zabavne igre sa edukativnim sadržajem
Motiviše, zabavlja i edukuje.
Besplatna je!
Šta korisnici kažu
o Sofi Sovi
"Sara zbog dude slabo izgovara S i ne mogu da vjerujem da je uz pomoć aplikacije savladala. Hvala puno!"
Marija, majka
"Fenomenalno!Svaka čast kreatorima. Moj sin (5g) uživa. Sjajna zamisao i još bolja realizacija."
Luka Laković, roditelj
"Kao logoped, koristim Sofi Sovu u terapijama - fantastičan alat za rad s djecom!"
Svetlana, logoped
"Kao roditelj smatram da je važno smanjiti upotrebu ekrana kod djece, iako je to u današnje vrijeme veliki izazov za sve roditelje. Upravo zato ova aplikacija predstavlja odličan izbor, omogućavajući djeci da vrijeme pred ekranom provedu na kvalitetan I edukativan način. Sve preporuke."
Ana Kankaraš, roditelj
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